Customer Testimonials

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Happy Clients

Deepa T

Deepa T
Deepa T

I got a 3 month loan from Fox Capital to fund my immediate requirement for CFA examination fees. I am quite satisfied with their overall service and would be happy to recommend my friends to use their services

Suresh Kumar

Suresh Kumar
Suresh Kumar

Suresh is quite happy with the services of Fox team. He took a loan for fulfilling his immediate requirements at home.

Akshay P

Akshay P
Akshay P

I was impressed by the the team as the whole approval process was fairly quick! Good work!

Aniruddha Singh

Aniruddha Singh
Aniruddha Singh

I took a loan for doing a technical certification from simplilearn and I was happy with Fox Capita's services!

Sumit Choudhary

Sumit Choudhary
Sumit Choudhary

Thank you very much for all the help. The team very efficiently helped me to get the needed amount in super quick time. A very easy approval process and much better experience compared to conventional banks.

Anita S

Anita S
Anita S

I took a loan for purchasing a fridge for home. Easy EMI's and quick disbursals. I am fully satisfied with the services they provide. Thanks to the entire team.

Raviraj C

Raviraj C
Raviraj C

One of the most professional and prompt service recieved so far. Really appreciate all your efforts to help people around with their financial needs.

Shanti Devi

Shanti Devi
Shanti Devi

Shanti took a 3 month loan for purchasing a sewing machine. 

If you are a growing fintech company with a scalable business, please ping us for guaranteed funding for your consumers